White horses and pink elephants

White horses and pink elephants galloping in the fields, the sun hitting their skin without mercy! Suddenly black clouds appear from the northern mountains, like thick gray brushes across the sky, carrying with them the smell of summer rain.
The white horses, smelling the change in the air come toan abrupt stop. The pink elephants, being slower in mind and larger in bulk, continued running, off into the horizon, leaving a trail of dust hanging in the air heavily, as if suspended by an invisible force, openly defying the laws of gravity. But then again elephants don't care. They have a thick skin...especially the pink ones. The hot sun of the valley means nothing to them! But the horses, ah the white horses are a whole different story. Some say that white horses are descendants of the unicorns. Delicate in nature, almost magical. The sun feels intrusive upon their silky skin.
The white horses smell the air once again and a gleam of approval appears in their intelligent eyes. The group bundles together and, as in a choreographed scene, they kneel down on the dried-up ground. The imagery is still, broken only by the occasional swing of the horses' tails, a flash of white in the air. Finally, a cool breeze arrives from the north with the promise of rain. Some horse or other pricks up its head and lets the gentle shaft of air mix its silvery mane.
The storm comes swiftly, almost untimely compared to the build-up before it. Heavy curtains of rain hit the valley from the north. Now the scenery has an ethereal look to it. As the first raindrops hit the ground even more dust gets into the air, forming a light-brown haze that covers everything. The white horses lay immobile, enjoying the coolness of the moment. Each drop of rain seems to relieve the elegant animals. Slowly small pools and paddles of rain form across the valley. The rain doesn't show any sign of stopping. The white horses however know better...
And suddenly it happens, an opening in the gray clouds, and a ray of sun appears. The scene lights up. As one ray after the other penetrates the slowly dissolving storm clouds the valley changes colors again. The dust has long ago settled on the wet ground and now everything seems more vivid, as if a darkening vale has been lifted. The clouds have now almost disappeared. The white horses however seem unrest. They all lift their heads upwards, looking at the clearing sky, their nostrils breathing heavily, as from anticipation. And then with the last droplets of rain, a rainbow! A marvelous spectrum of colors fills the air, bouncing off the water molecules.
As swiftly as they sat down, the white horses stand up proudly on their long legs. They shake their body, filling the air with streaks of water that seem to absorb the silver color of their skin. But the water doesn't fall down. Instead, like a swarm of silver bees, it dashes forward, toward the faint rainbow. As the silver drops touch it, the rainbow seems to gain strength, becoming more solid with each passing moment. The horses, dry now, majestically lift themselves on their hind legs, their body shining, and welcoming, against the newly found warmth of the sun. Then, the whole group, they break into a fast trot towards the mountains. Their hooves, hitting against the mushy ground, make no noise. An eerie silence covers the landscape, as if nature herself has stopped to marvel this beautiful sight. The white horses smell once again the air and adjust their path slightly, they seem to follow the rainbow. And then the unthinkable happens. With a thunderous sound, all the horses leap off the ground. And for a moment, for a wondrous moment of magic, they seem to cross the rainbow, all colors reflecting on their white skin. What a moment that is! Time stretches and stretches, until the fabric of the world itself becomes thin and transparent. The white horses open their large blue eyes and look across the veil. And they see other worlds, other beautiful worlds, and at that moment they decide. One hoof after the other they cross over. And nothing comes out on the other side of the rainbow. The white horses are then gone...
Some say that many years after people visiting that famous valley see a group of pink elephants running lazily around. They seem to be looking for something. No one know for sure what. Only when it rains, only then do the pink elephants stop. They stop and watch...waiting for the rainbow to come.