Rock, scissors,...paper(s)!
Below you can find a semi-complete list of all my publications (refereed and non-refereed). A more definite listing of my contributions to astronomy can be accessed through ADS or the arXiv. In summary I have 24 papers published or submitted to refereed journals, for 10 of which I am the first author. In addition, I have published 15 non-refereed papers as part of conference proceedings. My work has been cited a total of 292* times in the literature. My h-index is 10 (if anyone cares...).
*this number comes from Google scholar (in November 2016) and is probably inaccurate
Karouzos, M.: A billion stars in our grasp, Nature Physics, 12, 896 (2016)
Karouzos, M.; Woo, J.-H.; Bae, H.-J.: Unravelling the complex kinematics of AGN-driven outflows: II. Photoionization and outflow energetics, ApJ (accepted September 2016)
Karouzos, M.; Woo, J.-H.; Bae, H.-J.: Erratum: “Unravelling the Complex Structure of AGN-driven Outflows. I. Kinematics and Sizes (2016, ApJ, 819, 148)”
Karouzos, M.; Woo, J.-H.; Bae, H.-J.: Unravelling the complex kinematics of AGN-driven outflows: I. Kinematics and sizes, ApJ, 819, 148 (2016)
Karouzos, M.; Woo, J.-H.; Matsuoka, K.; Kochanek, C.S.; Onken, C.A., Kollmeier, J.A.; Park, D.; Nagao, T.; Kim, S.C.: Rest-frame UV single-epoch black hole mass estimates of low-luminosity AGN at intermediate redshift, ApJ, 815, 128 (2015)
Karouzos, M.; Im, M.; Kim, J.W.; Lee, S.K.; Chapman, S.; Jeon, Y.; Choi, C.; Hong, J.; Hyun, M.; Jun, H.D.; Kim, D.; Kim, Y.; Kim, J.-H.; Kim, D.; Pak, S.; Park, W.-K; Taak, Y.C.; Yoon, Y.; Edge, A.: The environment of radio-AGN over 8 decades of radio luminosity, ApJ. 797, 26 (2014)
Karouzos, M.; Im, M.; Trichas, M.; Ruiz, A.; Goto, T.; Malkan, M.; Jeon, Y.; Kim, J.H.; Lee, H.M.; Kim, S.J.; Oi, N.; Matsuhara, H.; Takagi, T.; Murata, K.; Wada, T.; Wada, K.; Shim, H. ; Hanami, H.; Serjeant, S.; White, G.; Pearson, C.; Ohyama, Y.: A tale of two feedbacks: star-formation in the host galaxies of radio-AGN, ApJ, 784, 137K (2014)
Karouzos, M.; Jarvis, M.; Bonfield, D.: Mergers as triggers for nuclear activity: A near-IR study of the close environment of AGN in the VISTA-VIDEO survey, MNRAS, 439, 861K (2014)
Karouzos, M.; Im, M.; and the AKARI-NEP team – Radio-AGN in the AKARI-NEP field and their role in the evolution of galaxies, PKAS, 27, 287K (2012)
Karouzos, M.; Britzen, S.; Witzel, A.; Zensus, A.J.; Eckart, A.: AGN jets under the microscope: A divide?, “Fall meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft 2011”, Reviews in Modern Astronomy, Astronomical News (Astronomische Nachrichten), Vol. 5-6,417 (2012)
Karouzos, M.; Britzen, S.; Witzel, A.; Zensus, A.; Eckart,A.: Deconstructing Blazars – A different kinematic scheme for BL Lac objects, A&A, 537A, 112K (2012)
Karouzos, M.; Britzen, S. ; Witzel, A.; Zensus, A.; Eckart, A.: γ-ray properties of the CJF sample: Revisiting the beaming hypothesis, A&A, 529A, 16K (2011)
Karouzos, M.; Britzen, S.; Eckart, A.; Witzel, A.; Zensus, A.: Tracing the merger-driven evolution of active galaxies in the CJF sample, A&A, 519A, 62K (2010)
Kim, J.-W.; Im, M.; Lee, S.-K.; Edge, C.A.; Hyun, M.; Kim, D.; Choi, C.; Hong, J.; Jeon, Y.; Jun, D.H.; Karouzos, M.; Kim, D.; Kim, J.-H.; Kim, Y.; Park, W.-K.; Taak, Y.C.; Yoon Y.: Discovery of a Supercluster at z~0.91 and testing the prediction from the ΛCDM model, ApJL, 821, 10 (2016)
Woo, J.-H.; Bae, H.; Son, D.; Karouzos, M.: The prevalence of gas outflows in Type 2 AGNs, ApJ, 817, 108 (2016)
Kim, Y.; Im, M.; Jeon, Y.; Kim, M.; Choi, C.; Hong, J.; Hyun, M.; Jun, H.D.; Karouzos, M.; Kim, D.; Kim, D.; Kim, J.-W.; Kim, J.H.; Lee, S.-K.; Pak, S.; Park, W.-K.; Taak, Y.C.; Yoon, Y.: The Infrared Medium-Deep Survey. V. Discovery of A Faint z~6 Quasar, ApJL, 813, 35 (2015)
Goto, T.; Oi, N.; Ohyama, Y.; Malkan, M.; Matsuhara, H.; Wada, T.; Karouzos, M.; et al.: Evolution of mid-infrared galaxy luminosity functions from the entire AKARI NEP-Deep field with new CFHT photometry, MNRAS, 452, 1684G (June 2015)
Kun,E.; Gabányi, K.É.; Karouzos,M.; Britzen, S.; Gergely,L.Á.: A spinning supermassive black hole binary revealed by VLBI data on the jet of S5 1928+738, MNRAS, 445, 1370K (2014)
Mezcua, M.; Lobanov, A.P.; Mediavilla, E.; Karouzos, M.: Photometric decomposition of mergers in disk galaxies, ApJ, 784, 16M (2014)
Shim, H.; Im, M.; Ko, J.; Jeon, Y.; Karouzos, M.; Kim, S.; Lee, H.M.; Papovich, C.; Willmer, C.; and Weiner, B. – Hectospec and Hydra Spectra of Sources in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Survey Field, ApJ, ApJS, 2007, 37S (2013)
Jarvis, M.; Bonfield, D.; Bruce, V.; Geach, J.; McLute, R.; McAlpine, K.; González-Solares, E.; Hodgkin, S.; Irwin, M.; Lewis, J.; Kupcu Yoldas, A.; Andreon, S.; Cross, N. J. G.; Emerson, J. P.; Dalton, G.; Dunlop, J. S.; Hodgkin, S. T.; Le Fevre, O.; Karouzos, M.; Meisenheimer, K.; Oliver, S.; Rawlings, S.; Simpson, C.; Smith, D.; Smail, I.; Sullivan, M.; Sutherland, W.; White, S. – The VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations (VIDEO) Survey, MNRAS, 428, 1281J (2013)
Liu, Y.; Jiang, D.R.; Zhi-Qiang S.; Karouzos, M.: A kinematic study of the compact jet in quasar B3 1633+382, A&A, 522A, 5L (2010)
Kudryavtseva, N.; Britzen, S.; Witzel, A., Ros, E.; Karouzos, M.; Aller, M.F.; Aller, H.D..; Teraesranta, H.; Eckart, A; and Zensus, J.A.: A possible helical trajectory in a strongly periodic quasar 0605-085, A&A, 526A, 51K (2010)
Britzen, S.; Kudryavtseva, N.; Witzel, A.; Campbell, R.M.; Ros, E.; Karouzos, M.; Mehta, A.; Aller, M.F.; Aller, H.D.; Beckert, T.; Zensus, J.A.: The kinematics in the pc-scale jet of S5 1803+784 revisited, A&A, 511A, 57B (2010)
Britzen, S.; Meyer, V.A.; Witzel, A.; Agudo, I.; Aller, M.F.; Aller, H.D.; Karouzos, M.; Eckart, A.; and Zensus, J.A.: Non-radial motion in the TeV blazar S5 0716+714. The pc-scale kinematics of a BL Lacertae Object, A&A, 508, 1205B (2009)
Goyal, A.; Gopal-Krishna; Anupama, G. C.; Sahu, D. K.; Sagar, R.; Britzen, S.; Karouzos, M.; Aller, M. F.; Aller, H. D.: Unusual optical quiescence of the classical BL Lac object PKS 0735+178 on intranight time-scale, MNRAS, 399, 1622G (2009)
Roland, J.; Britzen, S.; Kudryavtseva, N. A.; Witzel, A.; Karouzos, M: Modeling nuclei of radio galaxies from VLBI radio observations. Application to the BL Lac Object S5 1803+784, A&A, 483, 125-135 (2008)
Karouzos, M.; Im, M.; Kim, J.-W.; Lee, S.-K., Chapman, S., in press, PKAS (2015)
Karouzos, M.; Im, M.; Trichas, M.; Goto, T.; Malkan, M.; Ruiz, A.; Jeon, Y.; Kim, J.H.; Lee, H.M.; Kim, S.J.; Oi, N.; Matsuhara, H.; Takagi, T.; Murata, K.; Wada, T.; Wada, K.; Shim, H.; Hanami, H.; Serjeant, S.; White, G.; Pearson, C.; Ohyama, Y., in press, PKAS (2015)
Goto, T.; Toba, Y., Utsumi, Y.; Oi, N.; Takagi, T.; Malkan, M.; Ohayam, Y.; Murata, K.; Price, P.; Karouzos, M; Matsuhara, H.; Nakagawa, T.; Wada, T.; Serjeant, S.; Burgarella, D.; Buat, B.; Takada, M.; Miyazaki, S.; Oguri, M.; Miyaji, T.; Oyabu S.; White, G.; Takeuchi, T.; Inami, H.; Pearson, C.; Malek, K.; Marchetti, L.; Lee, H.-M.; Im, M.; Kim, S.-J.; Koptelova, E.; Chao, D., Wu, Y.-H., in press, PKAS (2014)
Marchetti,L. ; Feltre, A.; Berta, S.; Baronchelli, I.; Serheant, S.; Vaccari, M.; Bulgarella, D.; Karouzos, M.; Murata, K.; Oi, N.; Pearson, C.; Rodighiero, G.; Segdwich, C.; White, G.J., in press, PKAS (2014)
Mezcua, M,; Lobanov, A.P.; Mediavilla, E.; Karouzos, M.: When disks collide: major and minor mergers in disk galaxies, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 304, 375M (2014)
Karouzos,M.; Im,M.; Trichas,M.; Ruiz,A.; Goto,T.; Malkan,M.; and the AKARI-NEP team: Through the kaleidoscope: star-formation in radio-AGN, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 304, 375M (2014)
Malek,K. ;Pollo, A.; Takeuchi, T.T.; Buat, V.; Buegarella, D.; Malkan, M.; Oi,N.; Murata,K.; Matsuhara, H.; Matsuura, M.; Im, M.; Shim, H.; Karouzos, M.: (Ultra)Luminous Infra-Red Galaxies in the AKARI deep fields, Planetary and Space Science, in press (2014)
Karouzos,M.; Britzen, S.; Witzel, A.; Zensus, A.; Eckart, A.: Gamma-rays in flat-spectrum AGN: revisiting the fast jet hypothesis, “IAU General Assembly 2012 – IAUS295” (2013)
Karouzos,M.; Trichas, M.; Im, M.; and the AKARI-NEP team: Star-formation in the host galaxies of radio-AGN, “Nuclei of Seyfert Galaxies and QSOs – Central Engine and Conditions of Star Formation”, Proceedings of Science, 22 (2013).
Karouzos, M.; Im, M.; Trichas, M.; Shim, H.; Takagi, T.; Matsuhara H.: Where the active galaxies live: a panchromatic view of radio-AGN in the AKARI-NEP field, “IAU General Assembly 2012 – IAUS295” (2013)
Karouzos, M.; Im, M.; Takagi, T.; Shim, H.; Ko, J.; Matsuhara, H.; Braun, R.; White, G.; Serjeant, S.: Where the Active Galaxies Live: A Panchromatic View of AGN In The AKARI-NEP Field, “American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #220”, ADS (2012)
Karouzos, M.; Jarvis, M.; Bonfield, D.; Bruce, V.: Merger-driven nuclear activity in galaxies: Close environment of AGN in VISTA-VIDEO survey”, ADS (2011)
Karouzos, M.; Britzen, S.; Witzel, A.; Zensus, A.; Eckart, A.: Blazar Jet Kinematics – Reloaded, “10th EVN Symposium”, Proceedings of Science (PoS), 43K (2010)
Karouzos, M.; Britzen, Silke; Eckart, Andreas; Zensus, J.A.: Properties and evolution of AGN jet ridge lines, “9th Hellenic Astronomical Conference”, ASP Conference Series, 424, 292K (2010)
Goyal, A.; Gopal-Krishna; Anupama, G. C.; Sahu, D. K.; Sagar, R.; Britzen, S.; Karouzos, M.; Aller, M. F.; Aller, H. D.: Prolonged Intranight Optical Quiescence of the Classical BL Lac Object PKS 0735+178, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 407, 176G (2009)
Karouzos, Marios “A multi-wavelength study of the evolution and pc-scale jet kinematics of active galaxies” 2010, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cologne (Thesis advisors: Silke Britzen, Anton Zensus, Andreas Eckart)
Karouzos, Marios “Theoretical study of Polarized Synchrotron Emission from relativistic jets” 2007, Diploma Thesis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Thesis advisor: Nektarios Vlahakis)